Bill Sponsor Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE) with Speaker of the House
John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Canter (R-VA).
House Republicans are trying their darndest to pass TransCanada Corp.'s Keystone XL pipeline, despite President Obama's denial.
The Energy and Commerce Committee voted 33-20 to pass H.R. 3548, the bill that would give authority to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to approve the KXL pipeline. The legislation would require the FERC to approve the $7 billion project within 30 days if deemed safe.
Last week, our post about the Living Dead Pipeline explained why the Keystone XL isn't safe, smart, or profitable. The corrosive, toxic bitumen that would flow through the pipeline is a danger to people, drinking water, and Canada's pristine forests and local wildlife.
The Republicans want us to believe that the the pipeline would create jobs, but that is simply false. The project would, indeed, create some jobs -- perhaps a few thousand -- but they would be temporary, lasting only until the pipeline's completion. The project offers virtually no long-term jobs, as the pipeline does not increase capacity in existing refineries.
What's more, the pipeline allows for big oil companies to export the bitumen around the world from the Gulf coast. Since the point of export for this oil would technically be in international waters, the U.S. Treasury will not see a dime in taxes.
So, let's recap - House Republicans want to build a pipeline that would endanger American drinking water, prevent investment in real long-term jobs, and delay a transition to a clean energy economy just so Big Oil companies can export oil from Canada to foreign countries via the U.S., without paying a dime in U.S. taxes?
Clearly, the GOP is far more worried about campaign contributions from Big Oil than they are concerned about American safety and jobs.
Take Action
Tell the GOP they can't make the FERC their Yes-men. Say no to the KXL pipeline.
- Read the bill and contact your representative here: - Write, call, and tweet bill sponsor Representative Lee Terry (R-NE)
Twitter @LeeTerry2012 -
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