- Recognizing that the Cold War is over, the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) of 2010 calls for a reduced role for nuclear weapons, away from "nuclear war fighting capacity" toward "deterrence to nuclear war". It recommends that the number of our nuclear weapons could be substantially reduced without threatening America's security. Currently under the New START Treaty with Russia, the number of deployed nuclear weapons for each country must be capped at 1,550 by 2018.
- According to an Associated Press report this February, the Pentagon and the White House National Security Staff have produced an Implementation Plan for the NPR that includes three options for the number of deployed nuclear weapons, ranging from 300-400 to 1,000-1,100. Whichever option is chosen will likely set US policy for the next decade.
- We strongly support the 300-400 option for three reasons: 1) A study by high-ranking Air Force officials in Strategic Studies Quarterly, Spring 2010, concluded that a level of about 300 is enough to safeguard America's security, 2) This reduction, in concert with Russia, would reduce the threat of a significant nuclear exchange which would destroy all life in the targeted areas and create a 'nuclear winter' that could wipe out all agriculture on Earth for a year or more, and 3) This reduced level would demonstrate that the US is serious about nuclear disarmament and open up the possibility for negotiations among ALL nuclear weapons countries to reduce the number of their weapons.
- Web: www.whitehouse.gov/contact
- Tel: 202 456-1111 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
- Fax: 202 456-2461
- Mail:
- President Barack Obama
- The White House
- 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
- Washington, DC 20500
By law, this decision rests with the President alone. No Congressional action is involved. Urge President Obama to decide on the 300-400 option. Mention the three reasons above. Let him know that in this election season, you're counting on him to take bold, effective action toward a nuclear-free world.