March 2016 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is proposing new regulations for U.S. nuclear power plants as they permanently shut down. Five of our 100 nuclear power plants have been closed in recent years and 3 more are expected to close in the next few years.
These new Regulations will be critical to the communities surrounding nuclear plants and to the general public for thousands of years. The half-life of the plutonium in the fuel rods in the storage pools is 24,000 years, i.e., intense radiation is basically undiminished for thousands of years.
Submit your comment to the NRC by the March 18th deadline. Tell them 1) the decommissioning funds must be used exclusively for radiological cleanup, not operating expenses or lobbying, 2) the parent corporations must not be allowed to escape responsibility for financial shortfalls in the decommissioning fund, and 3) Emergency Planning Zones should not be diminished, nor insurance coverage reduced, until all the spent fuel rods have been removed from the highly vulnerable spent fuel pools and put into safer dry cask storage.
Contact:; in SEARCH enter NRC-2015-0070, then click COMMENT
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Docket No. NRC-2015-0070
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Photo: Lois Barber
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