September 2017 - Currently, the President can—on his own authority and without consulting anyone—plunge the world into nuclear war. If he's livid at 3:00 AM, or if he needs a news diversion from his encircling legal troubles, he can order a nuclear strike, and the chain of command is sworn to carry it out. It is no exaggeration to say that this could end civilization.
This is the horrific nightmare that the Markey Bill in the Senate, S.200, and the identical Lieu bill in the House, H.R. 669, are intended to prevent. They restrict the President's authority to order a FIRST strike unless Congress gives him that authority. The President would still be able to give an instant nuclear RESPONSE to a nuclear attack on the US or its allies, on his own authority. He just couldn't INITIATE a nuclear war unless Congress first gives him that authority.
Act soon and urge your Senators and Representative to co-sponsor Senate Bill S.200 and House Resolution H.R.669. The idea that a single person, possibly of disturbed mind, could launch a war that could end civilization is too horrific to accept.
Also mention that the US plan for $1,200 Billion in new spending on nuclear weapons is insane. With the US feeling critically endangered by North Korea's mere handful of nuclear weapons, shouldn't the US arsenal of 7,000 nuclear weapons be "good enough"?
Contact Your Representative and Senators:
Web: Find their names and links to their websites at,; send an email or leave a message via ‘Contact’ on his/her website
Tel: 202 224-3121 (Capitol switchboard-ask for his/her office & leave a message)
Mail: Senator or Representative (first & last name)
S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510
or U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515
Multiply this Message: Use this information to write a letter to the editor about this important & timely issue. This is a powerful way to educate and mobilize others—our job now & in the coming years!
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