October 2018 - Nuclear weapons and climate change remain the greatest threats to the well-being and survival of our families, our country and the world. On Tuesday, November 6th, you can help elect your federal Representative and Senator who will work to increase our security. Here are a few suggestions of what to do:
Be informed. Find out the positions of your Congressional candidates on:
- Reducing and eliminating nuclear weapons
- National spending on nuclear weapons
- Federal policies on greenhouse gas emissions
- National policies on clean renewable energy
When you have chosen your candidates, SUPPORT THEM! Donate if you can and volunteer to work in their campaigns: door-to-door outreach, phone calling, hold a house-party, reach out to friends and colleagues, put up a sign, wear a button, get-out-the-vote . . .THIS IS IMPORTANT!
ACTION: Work for, build support for, and on Tuesday, November 6th, vote for candidates running for Congress in your Congressional district and state who support policies that will reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and develop renewable energy. If you have time, you can also volunteer and support candidates in other states.
CONTACT: Research candidate’s positions on climate change and nuclear weapons at these websites:
- League of Conservation Voters:
http://scorecard.lcv.org/sites/scorecard.lcv.org/files/LCV_Scorecard-2017-Full.pdf - Council for a Livable World: https://livableworld.org/
You can also visit candidates’ websites and contact their campaign offices to determine their positions on these issues, and/or, to volunteer in their campaigns. Thank you.
Multiply this Message: Use this information to write a letter to the editor about this important & timely issue. This is a powerful way to educate and mobilize others—our job now & in the coming years!