November 2018 - The extreme hurricanes, fires, flooding, and temperatures this year are hardly surprising because it's all been predicted. The most recent predictions by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are even more dire, and the report calls on governments, industry, and all the earth's individuals to take immediate and effective action. ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!!!
ACTION: Start Now
- First, ask your Representatives and your Senators what they are going to do to address the horrific climate changes we face. Second, urge them to speak out loudly against the destructive Trump attempts to roll back the existing measures we have in place to reduce emissions from power plants and vehicles. The U.S. must mobilize to lower our carbon emissions and make our best effort to stabilize our changing climate.
- a) Call your power company to order 100% renewable electricity. It may cost slightly more, but won't give the earth a fever. Ask if discounts or rebates are available.
- b) Drastically cut your air travel, a surprisingly large source of global warming.
- c) Switch from eating beef to poultry, or even vegetarian fare.
If you do all three, you'll save money, and get healthier. Most important, you'll make a real, concrete, contribution to your children's and grandchildren's well-being.
CONTACT: Your Representative and Senators (and electric company)
- Web: Find their names and links to their websites at,; send an email or leave a message via ‘Contact’ on his/her website
- Tel: 202 224-3121 (Capitol switchboard-ask for his/her office & leave a message)
- Mail: Senator or Representative (first & last name) S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510
or U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515
Multiply this Message: Use this information to write a letter to the editor about this important & timely issue. This is a powerful way to educate and mobilize others—our job now & in the coming years!