Lois Barber founded 20/20 Vision in 1986 and served as its President for 23 years. She is also the founder and President of EarthAction, a global action network of over 2,500 organizations in 160 countries that have carried out over 80 global campaigns for a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world. Her life’s work has been to provide people with a simple and effective way to turn their caring, concern, and outrage about peace and environmental issues into meaningful action.
Shelagh Foreman was a founding member of Massachusetts Peace Action. Currently, she serves as a Board Member and the Program Director, working on issues of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, developing a more cooperative foreign policy and building a peace economy which will be a greener economy. Massachusetts Peace Action is one of 30 affiliates of Peace Action. Shelagh was also a founding member of the Massachusetts 8th-CD 20-20 Vision core group in 1988. The core group subscribers now include the 5th and 7th Congressional Districts. Shelagh has six grandchildren and tries to find time to continue painting and printmaking.
After receiving graduate degrees in political science and
architecture Mr. Lamb entered the practice of architecture where he served for
10 years as founding principal of a mid-size design practice. In 1991 he left
that practice to join the Boston Architectural Center (BAC) a college of
architecture, interior design and landscape architecture. Since that time he
has directed a wide variety of BAC educational offerings including an extensive
continuing education program for practicing design professionals. Motivated by
a personal commitment to ecologically responsible building, he led an effort to
create a series of over 30 courses in sustainable design to serve both degree
students and practicing professionals nationwide. This series of courses formed
the foundation for a Masters in Sustainable Design that he developed, launched,
and teaches in at the BAC.
Guntram Mueller has been a member of the Massachusetts 4th CD core group of 20/20 Vision since 1989, and is a member of United for Justice with Peace, and a board member of Mass. Peace Action. He is a retired mathematics professor, and has dabbled in windmill design. Peter Smith, an architect and urban designer, has been the Coordinator of the core group for 20/20 Vision in the 4th Congressional District in Massachusetts since 1989. Peter is a founder and board member of Communities Without Borders, which supports the education of more than 1,500 AIDS orphans in Zambia. Peter has been active in many other organizations including: the First Unitarian Society in Newton, where he has been an active member for over 20 years; the Coalition for a Strong United Nations; the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office; the Green Decade Coalition/Newton, a grassroots environmental group; and the Architects for Social Responsibility Committee of the Boston Society of Architects.
Lucy Stroock spent most of her working life as a teacher: in elementary school in NYC, in college at NYU and finally in preschool in Colorado and for 20 years in Cambridge. She believes that all learners, no matter of what age, are alike in needing to connect what they learn to what they are living. Throughout these years she has hoped to find a way to make teaching relevant to the search for a more peaceful world, believing that the principles apply, but much gets in the way. 20/20 has provided a way to connect her experiences as a teacher to the effort to communicate with the political system. Now in retirement, the work goes on and the hope for a better world for her grandchildren.