AUGUST: It does not just seem to be getting hotter; it actually is. Each of the last 11 months was the hottest month globally for that calendar month. This year is on track to break our US and global heat records.
Until now, most wildfires in Western North America are much reduced at night because the temperature decreases while the humidity increases, thus giving the firefighters a chance to rest. But now, the number of high-intensity fires where that cool-off does not occur, has gone from 6 in 2003 to 67 last year. The human heat death toll is staggering. At this year's Hajj in Mecca, 1,300 people collapsed on the sidewalks and died from the heat.
We need to act now to prevent the looming "hell on earth." Former Pres. Trump has called for "Drill, baby, drill." This will increase our burning of fossil fuels, escalate greenhouse gases, and speed-up the global ‘heat-up’. With the enthusiastic support of VP Kamala Harris, Pres. Biden signed a bill with an estimated $450 billion over 10 years to allow the US to shift from fossil fuels to wind and solar energy. Make your choice as to what seems best to you, then get involved in educating and engaging others to vote.
ACTION: Contact The Environmental Voter Project and join their effort to tell people about the global heat threat, and the critical need to vote in November to stabilize our still livable Earth.
CONTACT: The Environmental Voter Project
- Web:
- Email: [email protected]
- Address: Environmental Voter Project, PO Box 962002, Boston, MA 02196
Please write a letter-to-the-editor on this important issue.
It is a good way to educate others and build support for needed policies.