Our mission is to inform and inspire Americans to turn their concern, passion, and outrage into meaningful action for a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.
2020 Action—designed for busy people who care about peace and the environment
Those who join 2020 Action and will receive one postcard every month that is focused on a timely and critical environment or peace issue. Each postcard will have brief background information on that issue and a recommended effective action they can take in only 20 minutes. Every postcard will have a photograph that celebrates the beauty and wonder of the natural world we are working to protect.
EFFECTIVE ACTION Policymakers report that personal messages are more effective than ‘click on’ petitions and ‘cookie cutter’ emails. Our monthly 2020 Action Postcards (sent via email or post) will ask you to send a brief personal message to a policymaker by letter, postcard, email, or phone—a small yet effective action that will take you only 20 minutes.
DEMOCRACY IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT It depends on well-informed citizens communicating with their elected representatives. When thousands of people send focused, timely, brief messages to policymakers who are facing critical decisions, our voices are heard and policies change. 2020 Action will help you communicate what’s on your mind and in your heart to key decision makers at exactly the right times.
2020 Action: 20 minutes a month—$20 a year—Action for a Better World.