Key Links
Nuclear Weapons and Global Security
Arms Control Association presents a detailed analysis of nuclear issues, including the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
The "Zero is the Only Option" pages of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War furnish basic background information and extensive briefing papers on nuclear famine and nuclear winter, the nuclear ozone hole, and casualties of a nuclear war.
ReThink: Media Solutions for a Safer World provides resources for nonprofit groups to use the media more effectively toward a safer and more peaceful world. Training opportunities, public opinion poll results, and other media resources are available through their web site.
Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Free World supplies basic information on pathways for the elimination of all nuclear weapons: an end to testing and proliferation, and a step by step reduction of nuclear stockpiles.
Women's Action for New Directions suggests specific actions to help forward the drive to implement a new nuclear policy in line with President Obama's 2009 Prague speech. Makes available a Nuclear Weapons Action Guide, and promotes the "Congress Meets Community" campaign.
Reaching Critical Will (a project of WILPF) is finding ways to strengthen our political will to eliminate nuclear weapons. Highlights the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and UN actions to advance international disarmament.
Council for a Livable World focuses on the political aspects of U.S. nuclear and foreign policy. Contributes up-to-date commentary and analysis on the most important issues under consideration today.
American Federation of Scientists features extensive information on all aspects of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons as well as a range of policy and technology issues on arms development and sales, war simulations, military analysis, and government secrecy.
Nuclear Threat Initiative brings together the latest updates on worldwide efforts to control nuclear weapons with commentary from its founders, former Secretary of State George Shultz, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of Defense Bill Perry and former Senator Sam Nunn. Includes country by country nuclear profiles.
Peace Action provides a wide range of information, networking, and action opportunities for reaching a nuclear-free world and moving U.S. foreign policy in the direction of peace--in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and by bringing our military budget under control.
Climate Change and Clean Energy
1Sky (1 Climate, 1 Future, 1 Chance) is building a broad network of environmental, youth, labor, business, media, and faith-based organizations for clean air, renewable energy, and climate action. Includes a cutting-edge blog on actions throughout the country.
Environmental Defense Fund's global warming strategy pages look at the science of global warming and the clean energy economy, and review national and global climate policy, business relationships, and state and local projects.
Sierra Clubaction pages feature specific opportunities to curb carbon emissions, develop green transportation, and foster clean energy solutions, along with a range of other environmental issues.
Natural Resources Defense Council examines global warming solutions including a "Five Step Plan to Repower, Refuel, and Rebuild America," and a comprehensive tag index of global warming articles.
Apollo Alliance provides an up-to-date focus on clean energy production and jobs from a coalition of labor, business and community leaders. Reviews new projects across the nation.
League of Conservation Voters works on political action for environmental change, including a yearly list of the "dirty dozen," an environmental scorecard, specific endorsements and campaigns, and a state-by-state capacity building effort.
Multi-Issue Sites
Union of Concerned Scientists Nuclear Weapons and Global Security pages cover a wealth of readable and useful policy and technical information on nuclear weapons, missile defense, space weapons, terrorism, and global engagement. And their Global Warming pages offer items on global warming science and impacts, climate-change contrarians, and regional and international campaigns, while furnishing insights on vehicle, energy, forest and "big picture" solutions.
National Priorities Project's cost of war pages show exactly what U.S. military spending and specific military projects cost your state, congressional district, city, or county, and what alternatives that money can buy.
Avaaz: The World In Action, "a 4.4 million-strong people-powered global movement" features a range of global climate campaigns, ranging from petition efforts to television ads, disaster relief, and thousands of simultaneous "live world" events.
EarthAction organizes global campaigns on the world's most pressing problems, turning people's "concern, passion and outrage into meaningful action for a more just, peaceful and sustainable world." It works with a network of over 2,600 organizations worldwide, and provides action kits each with ready-to-use materials on an important issue and with a simple recommended action to take.
P.E.A.C.E., formerly known as CEASE, is a network of parents, teachers and other concerned individuals dedicated to helping young children and their caregivers develop and thrive in peace and well being.